Innovation Group

Innovation Group for EnviroHouse Project

Linné Innovation successfully managed a collaboration with six other organizations and companies to start working on EnviroHouse project. We call this team the “Innovation Group”. It will run the project within the EIP (European Innovation Partnership) and Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) funding program.

After individual meetings, independent researches and group discussions, we are proud to announce our collaboration with the following organizations. The goal is to make a preliminary design and develop a functioning prototype of EnviroHouse. The “Innovation Group” will run the further stages of EnviroHouse project. It includes detailed design, calculations, feasibility study, prototyping, commissioning and operation.

Innovation Group

Linnaeus University (LNU)

A creative and international knowledge environment promoting curiosity, creativity, companionship and utility. Krushna Mahapatra is a professor representing LNU in Innovation Group who says:

The presented idea is indeed innovative in the sense that it is a recombination of existing technologies. The farming technologies and renewable energy technologies are in practice in different parts of the globe and technologically they are feasible to be used in combination. But the challenge is that even the currently existing solutions including combined systems are not optimized, especially in farming industry where the energy demand could vary geographically, temporarily, and with type of agricultural produce.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

A world-class international university with research, education and environmental assessment within the sciences for sustainable life. Its principal sites are in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, in addition to activities at research stations, experimental parks and educational establishments. Daniel Bergquist is a researcher in SLU who connects this university to our project.

The proposed collaboration with SLU Food and Cities will facilitate access to the academic networks and knowledge fields required for this scientific scrutiny. It simultaneously offers an existing case for SLU researchers to develop new research in a highly relevant empirical context.



In 1993, AB Volvo started researching fuel cell technology, a research which led to the founding of PowerCell AB in 2008. Since then, PowerCell has launched a number of groundbreaking products that enable customers to reduce their carbon footprint. PowerCell has developed a modular fuel cell system based on their own fuel cell stacks, where clean electricity is produced with heat and water as the only emission. Åse Bye, Business Manager of PowerCell who is participating in the Innovation Group says:

The scope presented here is scalable, global and innovative. Within fuel cells and hydrogen business, there are not any projects ongoing with the extent of delivery and circuit design as the one intended here. As far as we know the closest plant design would be mainly providing electricity, not including heat waste and loops, water gathering and possibilities as EnviroHouse design. It [EnviroHouse] is a chance to prove new technology that we already know how to handle, but not implemented in a system like this before.


An innovative SME established in 2006, as producer of concentrating thermal collectors. In 2012, Solarus developed a unique concentrating photovoltaic thermal (PVT) solar collector that produces heat and electricity from the same area. This collector is called the Power Collector (PC) and Solarus started commercializing it in 2014. The PVT reflector was developed at Vattenfall and the design is called Maximum Reflector Concentration (MaReCo), which belongs to a family of stationary reflectors patented by Solarus.

João Gomes, the Research Director of Solarus  says:

Food production is the major contributor to CO2 emissions (30% of the total). This is a critical market, where solar needs to penetrate, if we are to avoid a climate disaster. Furthermore, this is a market that can utilize low temperature heat which is where Solar, and more specifically Solarus, can give its strongest contribution. Solar in agriculture is today residual, and mostly underdeveloped. EnviroHouse would provide a framework for this transformation to happen.

Solarus believes EnviroHouse has a highly innovative and revolutionary approach to the very relevant market of food production. Therefore, Solarus is very keen to participate in a project with a high potential to transform the most important CO2 emission industry.


Visionskompaniet Arkitektur & Projekt AB and Limitless Design

Two other companies working in Wood & Glass structures and Industrial Plants design. As Joachim Widerstedt, CEO and founder of  Visionskompaniet Arkitektur says about EnviroHouse:

The application of wood and glass in the infrastructure of EnviroHouse is the most interesting side of the project for us. Since we are experienced in the design, installation and construction of timber based structures, we already know the opportunities which can change the whole story of the LCA in farming plants especially in Sweden.

Sarbast Salih from Limitless Design says: “The concept of EnviroHouse will eventually commercialize one way or the other. It’s just a matter of time”.

Jordbruksverket (Swedish Board of Agriculture) supported and partially funded the activities for collaboration of this Innovation Group within the EIP (European Innovation Partnership) program.

Innovation Group



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