digital workshops

Digital Workshops

Running a workshop is a highly efficient way to collaborate in innovating, decision making, problem solving and more. Unfortunately, during and after the global pandemic the number of physical and in person events have been decreasing including workshops. However, with getting a little help from technology, it is quite possible to continue working as a team via Digital Workshops.

By running digital workshops, we have realized there are even some bonuses in collaborating from a distance!


Digital workshops are the best fitting solution for the teams who are scattered around. Since there is no need for a physical presence, it is quite convenient to work from different locations, even different cities or countries.

Quickly Organized

It takes less time for organizing remote workshops. There are no travels or commuting needed and participants can join even from home or while traveling. It is just a matter of some emails with links back and forth to come up with a suitable time window where everyone can be online at the same time.

More Accessible

Sometimes the participants need to travel over the weekend to join a physical workshop in addition to the time spent to go back. It may also happen that an event or a meeting which you really want to participate in, is in a location not very convenient to join. One advantage of digital workshops is their accessibility. Sometimes just a smartphone is the only thing you need.

Environmentally Friendly

Due to various reasons mentioned above, digital and remote workshops have a smaller environmental footprint. Less travel, less consumption and more efficiency.

Better Results

Despite the general assumption about the efficiency of remote workshops, in our experience the outcomes of digital workshops are equal or sometimes even better than physical events. It could be the result of participants feeling more comfortable and being more productive and efficient in a familiar environment or perhaps feeling less stressed with no need of physical presence.

Digital Workshops



Here is a list of useful software and programs which we use to run our remote workshops:


Depending on which tool is more familiar for our clients, we usually use Zoom or Skype for holding our communication channels on. Since usually the participants must run multiple programs at the same time, Microsoft Teams is not advised in this case because of high memory and CPU usage.

If the participants can have access to multiple screens or devices, it would be very useful to run the communication program on a separate screen (or device) to reduce the processing load.


Project Management

Our favorite platform is FreedCamp but feel free to use a program of your choice. There are countless choices nowadays and if you use a project management system to keep all your data together, that will do the job.

Just pay attention to choose a platform where you can define each project separately, so you limit the teams and access of participants. That may not be a good idea if clients can see and access each other’s data.


Digital Whiteboard

A digital whiteboard is a system where participants can collaborate on the same page using text, images, shapes and so on. Digital sticky notes, voting systems, timers and other useful features are also a part of whiteboard software.

Two very well-known whiteboard platforms are Miro and Mural. Each system has its own advantages but more than 90% of the features are similar. They are not totally free but the good news is they are not so expensive either.



Note: for any of our Workshops offered remotely, we provide all the necessary subscriptions to the software and platforms. We also offer a quick tour on the platforms if your team is not familiar with them.


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