
Solarus & Linné Innovation started collaboration

Solarus aims to accelerate the energy transition. In collaboration with their business partners all over the world, they want to make huge impact on society and environment and their PowerCollector™ is the key feature to achieve their goal:

We develop, produce and sell hybrid solar PowerCollectors™ and integrated project solutions. Hybrid means that the PowerCollector™ combines generation of thermal (T) energy with the photovoltaic (PV) generation of electricity.

Says Solarus as their business and goal explanation.

Collaboration base

Since we are using multiple renewable energy sources in our Envirohouse project – including solar power and solar thermal – the Solarus PowerCollectors can play a major role to harvest sun power. Moreover, the high efficiency and co creation of heat and electricity makes PowerCollectors a great choice in industries like agricultural.

The company designs and sells high-temperature PVT (photovoltaic thermal) collectors. These hybrid panels combine PV solar panels and solar collectors. They generate both power and heat and are especially suitable for smaller roofs.
The hybrid solar panels produce 89% solar efficiency, delivering as much energy as five ordinary photovoltaic panels. This exceptional performance results from the innovative aHTech technology, which ensures that minimal solar energy is wasted. Heat which is typically lost in the photovoltaic cells – reducing their efficiency to generate power – is instead transferred to water that flows through the panel. This design allows the panels to generate electricity and hot water simultaneously.

Solarus supplies three types of panels through an extensive international network. At the office headquarters in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), technical engineers develop tailor-made, gas-free hybrid solutions. Solarus even helps you to install the panels by local installer in their network.

Ultimate future goal: a 100% sustainable hot water solution. The most energy per square meter. No CO2 emissions and the best gas-free alternative for both electricity and hot water.

Read more about Solarus and their fantastic products on their website Do not forget to join our newsletter below the page to receive the updates on Envirohouse project. We are continuously looking for new partners for more collaboration in our cross-functional Innovation Group.



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