Product Development

resource allocation

Resource Allocation: How to choose your resources wisely

Are you struggling to decide between investing time or money in your development process? As an entrepreneur or business owner, it’s a common dilemma. You want to make progress quickly and efficiently, but you also want to avoid overspending or losing control of your project. Resource allocation is usually a tricky decision to make and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. However, depending on your goals, resources, and risk tolerance, you can optimize the best approach for your specific situation. 

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lean startup

Lean Startup

Lean Startup aims to shorten product development cycles and rapidly discover if a proposed business model is viable by implementing a combination of experimentations, validated learning, and iterative product releases.

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Value Proposition

Value Proposition

On their journey towards success, many entrepreneurs can easily lose the track if they can’t truly include a persuasive value proposition in their product or service. But what actually means when we are talking about value proposition? In its simplest way of explanation, it is a standing declaration that explains what benefit (value) you provide

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Growth Hacking

Growth Hacking

Every year, Growth Hacking method is helping many startups to demonstrate a rapid growth rate in a short period. After launching, they quickly stand out within their sector or even demonstrate a high-ranking position in a global scale. Since Sean Ellis came up with the method of Growth Hacking, he has helped many startups to

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Sensors of the future!

In various industries and applications it is important to monitor certain physical parameters. In fact, in many of the everyday appliances and electronic devices, or in the production lines in factories, etc, sensors are used to monitor e.g. functions of devices, or the operation of production lines, or environmental parameters such as pressure, level of liquids and etc.

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